דלג לתוכן

הזמנה למפגש השני של פורום חלונות ביום רביעי ה-7 בדצמבר

המפגש השני של פורום חלונות יתקיים ב 7 בדצמבר, 2022, בשעה 20:00, ויארח את ד"ר דברה קלמנוביץ' ,בהרצאתה בנושא טיפול באמנות בשילוב מיינדפולנס, עם פליטים,
ההרצאה בשפה האנגלית והדיון בעברית.

Out of our Mind
Art therapy and mindfulness with refugees, political violence and trauma


לינק להרשמה: https://forms.gle/PqgkgfgcazsucQ3Q9


In this presentation DEBRA KALMANOWITZ will reflect on the combination of art therapy and mindfulness practice in meeting the needs of refugees and asylum seekers. She will draw on examples from research that she carried out with asylum seekers in Hong Kong, on this topic and on work that she carried out with Syrian and Afghani refugees and asylum seekers in a refugee camp in Northern Greece.


In both of these contexts she speakד of short term work, with an aim of building resilience and enhancing the capacity to cope in difficult situations. In exploring this she will focus only on a few aspects of this work – namely: the nature of process oriented work, the crucial place of building safety, the significance of immersion /absorption in the art making process and imagination.



DEBRA KALMANOWITZ, Short biography

Debra KALMANOWITZ, PhD, reg. art therapist and artist works in the context of humanitarian aid, disaster relief, trauma, resilience, political violence, refugees and social change and has done since the early 1990’s. She held positions at the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture, London and Christian Action, Hong Kong where she worked with refugees. She is currently a practicing artist and art therapist, a Senior lecturer at the Academic College of Society and the Arts (ASA), the co-head of the Master in art therapy program at Sapir Academic College (in the South of Israel) a psychosocial facilitator for an international non-government organisation (NGO).  She is the co-author of several books including The Portable Studio, Art Therapy and Political ViolenceWith art, without illusion and Art Therapy in Asia: To the Bone or Wrapped in Silk.

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